As a voice actor, Mark Jonathan Davis provided various voices for the Warner Brothers Animation cartoon series "SUPERMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES" (1999), "BATMAN BEYOND," (1999), and "THE ZETA PROJECT" (2000).
He also provided voices for WB's movies "BATMAN BEYOND: THE MOVIE" (1999), "BATMAN BEYOND: RETURN OF THE JOKER" (2000), and "SUPERMAN/BATMAN: PUBLIC ENEMIES" (2009). In the latter, Davis provides the voice of a Jon Stewart-esque newscaster on "The Weekly Show." Movie Roles: "Batman Beyond: The Movie" (1999) Virtual Anchor #3 "Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker" (2000) V.R. Newsman "Superman/Batman: Public Enemies" (2009) Newscaster TV Episode Roles: "Superman: The Animated Series" (1999) In Brightest Day - Dude "Batman Beyond" (1999-2000) Payback - Vid-News Anchor Hooked Up - Virtual Anchor Earth Mover - Virtual Newsman Splicers - Virtual Newsman A Touch of Curare - Virtual Anchor, Guard Golem - Virtual Anchor "The Zeta Project" (2001-2002) His Maker's Name - Gate Guard Hunt in the Hub - Horoscope Machine |